Day 2 – The Netherlands

Markus Hoff-Holtmanns/ July 17, 2018/ Uncategorized

Friday, 13.07.2018 Early bird catches the ferry or so the saying goes. But since I didn’t have the foggiest idea how full the roads around Amsterdam would be in the afternoon, better get up early. I had decided beforehand not to take the A1 to and around Amsterdam. Instead I would go through the north of the Netherlands, beside other

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Day 1 – The Marathon

Markus Hoff-Holtmanns/ July 13, 2018/ Uncategorized

Surprisingly the first real Travel day wasn’t as bad as I feared. We disembarked at around 7am swedish time and after that I headed straight southward. Well, in Stockholm I wanted to be a know-it-all and overruled the GPS, bat that was fixed quickly. Sweden was its usual boooring self, and while I recognized some landmarks here and there, I

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Day 0/1 – Warm-up for the Marathon

Markus Hoff-Holtmanns/ July 12, 2018/ Uncategorized

I’m finally on the road! The first leg took me from my workplace in Ruoholahti, Helsinki to the Viking Line terminal in Turku. Easy, about 2 hours give or take, and then waiting for the ferry to Stockholm. But my back, butt and shoulders were already hurting after such a short trip. So I actually tried to go to sleep

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